MySQL is an open-source database management system (DBMS) that is used by many websites, including WordPress. In this post, we’ll take a look at how to connect to a MySQL database using different methods.
Connecting to MySQL Using the MySQL Command-Line Client
Step 1: Install MySQL command-line client: The MySQL command-line client is a great way to quickly and easily connect to a MySQL server.
Step 2: Connect to a MySQL server: Type mysql -u root -p at the command line. This will prompt you for a password. Enter the password and press enter.
Step 3: Execute a SQL statement: Type create database test; to create a new database named test. Type create table test (id int); to create a table named test with one column named id. Type insert into test values (1.; to add a record to the test table.
Step 4: Execute a query: Type select * from test; to execute a query. This will display all the rows in the table test.
Connecting to MySQL Using GUI tool
Step 1: Download and install dbForge Studio for MySQL.
Step 2: Click on New Connection on the Database menu

Step 3: Select the server you want to connect to, and click “Open”.
Step 4: The program will open a new window.
Step 5: In this window, click “Database” and select your database name.
Step 6: You can now start creating tables, adding data, etc.
Connecting to MySQL Using MySQL Workbench
Step 1: Download MySQL Workbench: MySQL Workbench is the most popular MySQL GUI client. It is free and open source.
Step 2: Create a new connection: Go to File->New Connection and select MySQL Database.
Step 3: Enter connection information: Enter the name of the database you want to connect to. Click OK.
Step 4: Select databases: You can now connect to any database on your server.
Step 5: Create a new table: Now you can create tables in your database.
In conclusion, the best way to connect to MySQL database is through the command line. This allows you to access the database directly through the command line and manipulate it with SQL commands.